Trauma therapy is a solution for patients with emotional trauma. If you have suffered from any of these traumatic events, you should get help immediately. 


Around seventy percent of adults in America have faced at least one traumatic event in life. Do you know what these figures mean? Around 223.4 million people are suffering from repressed emotional trauma currently. Most of these people have never received any emotional trauma therapy, which affects their daily lives. 


However, it’s important to realize that not every traumatic event turns into emotional trauma. In some cases, an individual will develop symptoms that would resolve after a few weeks. But, in most cases, the emotional trauma would last a lifetime. 


Scroll down to read some common causes of emotional trauma. 


1- Natural Disaster 

One of the biggest causes of trauma is natural disasters. These natural disasters include earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Extreme weather conditions anywhere are also a part of natural disasters that can cause trauma. But how do natural disasters traumatize a person? 


Natural disasters can lead to other adverse issues like losing homes, financial distress, and loss of community support. In some cases, extreme natural disasters can result in the death or major injury of a loved one, increasing a person’s emotional trauma. Most people don’t cope with the emotional aftereffects of natural disasters, developing a deep fear of natural disasters. 

2- Childhood Abuse

Another traumatic event that can haunt a person for many years is suffering from abuse as a child. People that face abuse or neglect as a child can develop symptoms of PTSD. The symptoms include anger, fear, avoiding places, and people that remind them of those traumatic experiences. 


Childhood abuse can be of many types. It can occur due to physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. Any type of mistreatment by parents can also lead to the development of emotional trauma in children. A child who’s mistreated would often blame themselves for what happened. These aftereffects can negatively impact a child’s future. 

3- Domestic Violence

In the US, around 10 million cases of domestic violence are reported every year. According to statistics, every 1 in 3 women and every 1 in 4 men experience domestic violence by a partner. People who escape a violent partner end up with emotional symptoms later. 


However, it’s important to realize that domestic violence doesn’t always have to be physical. Many people can experience emotional trauma after mental abuse in a relationship. 

Trauma therapy can help domestic violence survivors


People suffering from emotional trauma deserve a life free from any kind of stress or fear. For this purpose, Advanced Hypnotherapy of Naples has introduced trauma therapy in Naples. Our team focuses on helping people deal with the symptoms of emotional trauma. 


Book an appointment with us and get effective trauma therapy in Naples, FL.  


Written by

Peter Williams CHt. CHI