Hypnotherapy can help anyone to overcome a wide range of issues some of which are listed here.

One example method to achieve this is through Suggestion Therapy:

  1. Delivering positive suggestion to the subconscious mind during the hypnoidal state.
  2. Then, modifying the limiting ideas to bring about positive change both physically and mentally.
  • ADHD
  • Alcoholism
  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Bed Wetting
  • Childhood Trauma
  • Chronic Pain (assessed by a physician)
  • Drug Usage
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Fidgety
  • Guilt
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Job Performance
  • Lack of Motivation
  • Learning difficulties
  • Low Self Esteem
  • Menopausal Symptoms
  • Mental Block
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Nightmares
  • PTSD
  • Phobias
  • Procrastination
  • Side effects associated with Chemotherapy
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Stress
  • Study Habits
  • Test Taking
  • Unwanted Habits
  • Weight loss/Gain
  • and more…

Disclosure of Hypnotherapy Services

The services provided by our Hypnotherapists does not include the practice of medicine nor the practice of Psychology or Psychiatry, as our Hypnotherapists are not Physicians or Healing Arts Practitioners. Our services are non-diagnostic and are an excellent adjunct to the healing arts services that are licensed by the state. During the Hypnotherapy Sessions, clients are completely aware of their surroundings and suggestions from the Hypnotherapist, however, persons may become so relaxed they rarely pay attention to anything but the voice of the Hypnotherapist. The ability to visualize or imagine may be enhanced. Most clients comment that they were truly relaxed, and have not been so relaxed in quite some time. Hypnosis is safe, pleasurable, and relaxing.

The services we provide at Advanced Hypnotherapy of Naples includes Sub-Cognitive Therapy, where we seek to go to the subconscious mind to find the root cause of the particular issue or negative behavior. Our therapeutic approach goes beyond the traditional cognitive therapy. Our sessions approximately 45 mins to an hour long. However, the first session includes a consultation that is usually 20 to 30 minutes. While there are a multitude of therapeutic approaches, some of which that Advanced Hypnotherapy of Naples uses includes but is not limited to: Inner-wisdom Integration (IWI), Parts therapy, Past-Life Regression, Suggestion Therapy, Natal Regression, Conditioning Session, Trauma Reversal Therapy, Eye Movement Therapy, Progression Therapy & Breath Work Therapy

Our Session Types

1. Conditioning:

The Conditioning Session allows you to understand and be comfortable with the process, while the subconscious mind begins to respond to the suggestions of the hypnotherapist.

2. Suggestion Therapy:

In Suggestion Therapy, it is believed that once you are in a state of hypnosis, (regardless of the depth) any positive suggestion given will affect the subconscious in a positive way.

3. Parts Therapy:

With Parts Therapy, It is the accepted belief that within all of us live three parts. The parts may operate in harmony with each other, however, in most cases, although existing in the same body, these parts may work in opposition to each other, causing inner turmoil. The three parts are: the Inner Child, the Adult Self, and the Higher Self. This therapeutic technique is excellent for emotional issues.

4. Inner Wisdom Integration:

The theory behind IWI is that everything happening within us exists for a good reason, we only need to know why (what that good reason is). This process is used mainly for unexplainable anomalies within the body including pain, discomfort, growth, etc (after being assessed by a physician).

5. Trauma Reversal Therapy:

Trauma Reversal is excellent for Post Traumatic Anxiety Disorder aka PTSD. It is designed, not to remove the memories of the past, but to neutralize the effects of the perceived trauma (negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions associated with a particular event).

6. Regression Therapy (This Life):

Trauma Reversal is excellent for Post Traumatic Anxiety Disorder aka PTSD. It is designed, not to remove the memories of the past, but to neutralize the effects of the perceived trauma (negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions associated with a particular event).

7. Regression Therapy (Past Life):

This process is used after exhausting all other therapeutic methods without finding a resolution. The use of this method can/may conjure the presence of entities from other dimensions or worlds e.g. Sprits, Demons, angels, families and friends that have passed on, etc. Therefore, it must be noted that the past life experienced in a Past Life Regression, may be that of the attached entity.

8. Eye Movement Therapy.

The eyes are the windows to the soul. This method may be used to overcome pain, anxiety, fear, and for post-traumatic stress disorder. With this therapeutic technique, it is unnecessary to find the Underlying Causation or the Initial Sensitizing
Event, since what is being interrupted or altered is the neurological pathways of the negative feelings. It is believed that eye movement patterns and proper suggestions may create new neuro-pathways, and over multiple sessions may find diminished negative responses.

9. Breath Work Therapy

Many forms of breath-work therapy exist today. Each has its unique method of execution for the purposes of healing. It is drawn from Eastern Disciplines like Yoga and Tai Chi while incorporating Western psycho-hypnotherapy techniques. The consensus is, that as we change the breathing pattern and sustain that new pattern of breathing, hidden emotional trauma will then surface. The goal is for you to achieve a greater sense of self-awareness, a higher capacity for self-healing, and improved, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

10. Core Transformation (Natal Regression)

Contrary to some hypnotherapy models, Natal Regression is not a past life experience, but an experience inside the womb (A present life experience).

Natal Regression, allows you to explore the womb-event and re-experience particular elements of that occurrence. You may be taken to the singular moment before the womb experience. You may also be guided to discover how mom and dad may have felt about the pregnancy at that time which may be associated with feelings of self-worth. You may look at the dynamics of the relationships between mom and dad then, and how it may be affecting their present life, including their interpersonal relationships…
Now, it is believed, that this method may help you identify the reasons they were chosen for this life and allow you to affirm or reaffirm the pure intentions of the universe/God, taking you to the singular moment pre-womb. This method executed properly may transcend any negative events of the womb or any negative self-identity level belief held at that time, creating a new outlook on life, a new view of self, a new way of thinking, and a new way of living, creating transformation at the core level.