Do you wake up even after hours of sleeping, feeling tired, groggy, exhausted, and like you haven’t slept a wink? Is it impossible for you to get through the night without waking up multiple times or struggling to fall asleep late into the night? Do you clock in significantly less than 7 hours of sleep a night? You’re among 50 million adults in the U.S. who struggle with poor sleep.


Sleep disorders might seem like another inconvenient thing to be happening, but in truth, they are a lot more damaging than it seems. They come with a range of complications and implications for your health and daily life. In the long-term, a lack of quality sleep can wreak havoc on your life.


What are sleep disorders and problems?

Sleep disorders can range from a temporary loss of sleep to more long-lasting, chronic states. Insomnia, one of the most commonly identified sleep disorders, is often caused by different factors. 


They are typically identified by repeated patterns of poor quality, disrupted sleep, or waking up tired despite sleeping recommended amounts. You might also be experiencing a sleep disorder if you regularly clock in less than 6-8 hours a night or have a lot of sleepless nights. 


On occasion, experiencing these symptoms is okay, especially during times of stress, but if they begin to impact your ability to function, your mental clarity, and take a toll on your physical health, you have a more serious problem on your hands.


Some of the most common sleep disorders include insomnia, sleep apnea, hypersomnolence, and sleep-wake disorders, among various others. Sleep Foundation shares a comprehensive breakdown of the various types and sub-types of sleep disorders.

A person experiencing a sleep disorder wakes up tired, groggy, and unrested.

What causes sleep disorders?

Stress and anxiety can often contribute to poor sleep, but so can health conditions like chronic pain. There are several reasons for people developing sleep disorders, including environmental factors, health (mental, physical, emotional) concerns, or even frequent urination.


You might not be aware of what’s causing all those sleepless nights, but one thing is certain: you should not have to live like this.


Sleep is important for us. It’s when our bodies and brain repair, regenerate, rest, and recuperate. Prolonged sleep deprivation can cause a lot of complications with your health, including mood swings, trouble focusing, fatigue and exhaustion, and much more. 


How can hypnotherapy help?

Hypnotherapy might be the answer to your sleep struggles, especially when it comes to insomnia. At our clinic in Naples, FL, we offer sleep disorder therapy to patients, working with them in a holistic way.


Our therapists focus on causes and management, working to alleviate pain, aches, stress, and other triggers that could bother you. It’s more than a temporary fix, but rather, a long-term solution to healing and well-being. You can learn all about it here.


We also offer pain management through our services, which is especially helpful if the pain is triggering and causing your sleeping problems. Contact us for more details on how we can help.

Written by

Peter Williams CHt. CHI